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Selectmen's Minutes June 25, 2002
June 25, 2002

PRESENT:  Theodore Bailey, Jeffrey Jordan, David Colbert, Heather Briggs, and Judy Kenneally via telephone


The minutes of June 18, 2002 were approved as written, signed and will be posted to our web page.


Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Chairman Ted Bailey.

Subject:   Earl Weir

Mr. Weir would like to build a home.  There are no more permits available this year, but he asked if it would be all right to build a shell.

The Board will discuss this later in the meeting.

Subject:   Stephen MacCleery

Mr. MacCleery told the Board that he heard Selectman Jordan would be resigning.  And that Selectman Jordan would be applying for the road agent position.  He informed the Board that he would be interested in the open position of selectman and gave some of his qualifications.
Subject:  Walter Sanborn

Mr. Sanborn gave the Board a check in the full amount for the fire truck.  He was given the bill of sale, registration, and the keys for the fire truck.

He also informed the Board that changes were being made to the old selectmen’s office in the library.  He remembers that approximately three years ago, it was voted to keep “as is” for historical reasons.  Heather will try to find a copy of those minutes to verify.

Mr. Sanborn is interested in the map in the case in the old selectmen’s office as it has historical meaning.

Subject:  Board Discussion

The grader check will be held until grader is brought to Chichester.

The Board denied Mr. Weir his request for a building permit.  Heather will draft a letter to Mr. Weir formalizing the decision.  Heather will also include an invitation to Mr. Weir to come back in if he would like an explanation.

Mr. Briggs will not be submitting a bid to replace the boiler but did recommend Mr. Glidden.  The Board discussed the bids from Davis Fuel and Mr. Glidden.  The Board unanimously agreed to contact Mr. Glidden to do the boiler.

Heather showed the Board the job description for road agent and highway laborer.

The Board agreed to hold a public hearing on July 30 for the name change of Towle/Mason Road.  Heather will draft an ad to the Suncook Sun for the Board’s review on July 02.

Judy, via telephone, asked Selectman Jordan to list the members on the Conservation Commission.

The Board asked Heather to get a copy of the grand fathered properties for the July 02 meeting.

The Board discussed Selectman Jordan’s decision to leave to apply for the Road Agent’s position.  Selectman Jordan felt that as much as he would miss his position on the Board he felt it was in the best interest of the town.  He said that he really enjoyed working with the highway department and the he and AJ May worked well together.  He recommended that the Board consider Richard DeBold to fill the rest of his term.  Selectman Jordan listed the many reasons that he would like to see Mr. DeBold as a Board member.

The Board discussed the interested parties for Selectman Jordan’s position.  The Board unanimously agreed to appoint Richard DeBold.  Mr. DeBold will be contacted and Heather will draw the papers for Mr. DeBold to be sworn in at the July 02, 2002 meeting.

Selectman Colbert mentioned that the CIP is due July 15.  Selectman Jordan was on the CIP to represent the Board.  No one is on the CIP for the Highway Department.  Selectman Colbert is interested to know how this will change things regarding the CIP.

Selectman Colbert stated that he accepts the resignation but the road agent’s position will still be posted.  Selectman Jordan may not get the road agent’s position and would like Jeff to reconsider staying on the Board of Selectmen.  

Selectman Jordan officially handed in his resignation effective June 25, 2002 at the end of this night’s meeting.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Theodore Bailey, Chairman

Jeffrey Jordan

David Colbert